
Insights to unleash your
full potential

Podcasts & Webinars

Eighty Percent Mental Podcast

The EVENT vs. the GRIND

There are some sports for which athletes might spend a lifetime preparing for (ie: Olympic Games). Other sports require competing day in, day out, for months, only to start again the next year (ie: a 162-game Baseball season). It’s all about managing the EVENT vs. the GRIND. Pete, Hugh, and Dr. Karen explore the psychology of the EVENT vs. the GRIND, in what turned out to be a right Bobby Dazzler of an episode!

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High Performance Mindset Podcast

Cultivating a Mentally Fit Mindset

The High Performance Mindset Podcasts hosted by Dr. Cindra Kampoff, Mental Performance Consultant with the Minnesota Vikings, helps YOU gain a high-performance edge by learning from World Class guests who provide insight and advice pertaining to mindset. In this episode, Dr. Karen shares her approach to cultivating a Mentally Fit Mindset.

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Where Work Meets Life Podcast

Building Mental Fitness to be Well and Excel in Sport and Life

Dr. Karen joined the Where Work Meets Life Podcast to share her approach on building mental fitness and bolstering resilience. The topic of mental fitness is more important than ever before, as we all navigate the uncertainty and unpredictability that comes with a pandemic. Dr. Karen speaks to the importance of emotional agility and how to use our emotions as “data” vs. “the director”.

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Inspiring Possibilities

The Courage to Jump In

Dr. Karen joined the very first Inspiring Possibilities Summit. On this podcast, you will hear her story and the gems she shared on the Live event including tools she uses with high performance and Olympic athletes as well as Fortune 500 companies – they are ones we can all use every day!

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Dropping In Podcast

Conversation with 4 time Olympian, Mercedes Nicoll

This is a special episode where we reviewed the highlights from past guests who shared their stories in regards to overcoming their fears. Dr. Karen shares her expertise from decades of experience working with high level Olympians and executives on how to tackle fear and cultivate the freedom to perform.

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Universal Women’s Network Podcast

Leading Through Change – Leadership Mindset + Mental Health

As we adjust to our new reality, our experts discuss a leadership mindset, mental health, and mental fitness as we prepare for what’s ahead. Enjoy this important discussion as this leadership panel covers topics, such as: overcoming adversity, leadership, and mental health and wellness to reset, refocus, stay strong, and be well.

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Women of Inspiration Podcast

Boosting Mental Fitness to Excel and be Well in Turbulent Times (Episode 22)

Dr. Karen MacNeill is a performance psychologist who has been working with Olympians and Fortune 500 Companies to build mental fitness, and bolster resilience so they can excel and be well in turbulent times. In this episode, we explore mindset, leading through the pandemic, and opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.

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#Sicknotweak: Isolation Nation

How to Protect and Promote Mental Health

Founded by Michael Landsberg, formerly of TSN, #SickNotWeak’s mission is to help people understand that mental illness is a sickness, not a weakness. In this Episode of Isolation Nation, we discuss the impact of the pandemic on mental health and proactive measures that can be taken to protect and promote mental wellbeing. Also, how we got stood-up by @ChaelSonnen.

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High Performance Mindset Summit

Building Mental Fitness in Times of Uncertainty

The High Performance Mindset Summit captured the advice, tips, and tricks of 22 high performance experts on how to manage stress and overwhelm at times of crisis and stay focused and on track during the pandemic. Dr. Karen MacNeill speaks to developing mental fitness and bolster resilience as a key crisis management tool.

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High Performance Mindset Podcast

Building Resilience in Turbulent Times

Dr. Karen joins the High Performance Mindset Podcast with host Dr. Cindra Kamphoff for a second time to help YOU gain the high-performance edge by learning about mindset. In this episode, we discuss resilience strategies and how to cultivate emotional agility.

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Unleashed – Season 1

The Resilient Leader (Episode 4) – 1 hour

Unleashed has welcomed world-renown thought leaders such as Adam Grant, Dan Pink and Amy Edmonson who have provided leadership tips and relevant tools to unleash your potential.  As we continue to adjust to COVID-19 and take measures to protect our physical health, equally important is to attend to our mental health and build resilience. Dr. Karen MacNeill discussed how to protect our mental health and bolster our resilience skills so that we can lead effectively during uncertain times.

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TV& Radio


Dr. Karen talks with CTV News from the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan on how to protect and promote athlete mental health.

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Dr. Karen shares insights with CTV News on how to help athletes excel AND be well while they cope with the many pressures at the Olympic Games.

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Dr. Karen shares insights with CTV News regarding the impact of multiple award-winning NHL goalie Carey Price opening up about his issues with mental health.

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Recognizing When Stress Has Reached Chronic Levels – 5 mins

Dr. Karen speaks with Global News on how to manage stress to prevent it from reaching chronic levels.

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An Interview with Heather Hiscox and Dr. Karen MacNeill at 2018 Winter Olympic Games, Korea

Wonder how Canadian athletes don’t crack under pressure? Dr. Karen is Team Canada’s lead mental health and performance consultant. Here’s her tips on staying focused like an Olympian.

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Health and Wellness Show with Dr. Karen MacNeill

Everybody wants to make sure that they are the healthiest person that they can possibly be. Practicing healthy habits makes sense, but is it easier said than done? AM900 CHML and Hauser’s Pharmacy and Home Healthcare present the Health and Wellness Show. Dr. Karen provides her perspective on the importance of protecting and promoting mental health in high performance sport.

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CBC: Osaka’s withdrawal raises important questions on media and mental health

Dr. Karen shares her insights with CBC news on the impact the media can have on athlete mental health and well-being.

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Sport for Life: Mental fitness for long-term athlete development

Dr. Karen led a team of experts who provided recommendations on how to develop Mental Fitness over the different phases of athlete development. The messages and activities highlighted in the article align with Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) and address how athletes, coaches, and parents can aid the mental development of athletes at each stage of LTAD.

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CBC: Mental health task force created to provide aid for Canadian athletes during stoppage

Dr. Karen provides insights to CBC news on the establishment of a Mental Health Task force to meet the needs of high-performance athletes during the pandemic.

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“We were delighted to welcome Dr. Karen MacNeill to our conference in 2018. With delegates still impacted by the prolonged downturn, Dr. MacNeill’s topic of High Performance Recovery resonated and was well received. As a speaker, her enthusiasm in her delivery was excellent as was her ability to adapt as she went along due to some onsite logistical challenges out of our control. Bravo! Thank you Dr. Karen!”
Sheila McFayden, CEO, Canadian Association of Petroleum Production Accounting (CAPPA)
“Having Dr. Karen MacNeill as a guest speaker for WXN gave our community an opportunity to learn about resiliency, responding to stress, and how to build the tools we need to excel when facing the most challenging times. Her focus on mental, physical, and emotional well-being is the kind of support we all need – and wow did she deliver! Dr. MacNeill’s presentation was easy to follow, and her insight on performance, mental fitness, and self-discovery was such a valuable tool for all who attended.”
Sherri Stevens, Owner and CEO, Women’s Executive Network
“Dr. Karen was informative, focused and practical. Her virtual presentation helped to reignite belief in our own capabilities and sparked motivation to be at the top of your game.”
Aggie Mikulski, Principle TIPP Consulting
Dr. Karen has been one of the most impactful individuals throughout the course of my career. I would not have achieved the success I have without her knowledge and guidance, and I am truly grateful to have had her on my team as my mental performance coach for the past 11 years.”
Olympic and Professional Athlete, 3x Olympic Medalist
Dr. Karen’s presentation has really opened my eyes to the many considerations of what it takes to be “high performance leader.” That being said, she really humanizes the concepts and inspires confidence in me that being “high performance” is achievable. Her presentation was very engaging and very entertaining!!!”
Michael Baldwin, Senior VP, Corporate Development, Trican Well Service Ltd.
“Dr. Karen is an innovative leader in performance coaching with a great background as both an elite athlete with an impressive, educated mind. Through a vast experience in the field as a sports psychologist working with a varied range of high achievers, she knows how to understand people and circumstances, identify the challenges and provide tools to grow and ultimately become a better version of themselves.”
Head Coach, Professional Football (Soccer), Canadian Premier League
“We were thrilled with Dr. Karen as a speaker for Young Women of Influence. Her talk focused on ‘Top Performance’ and incorporated her own experiences in sport and business to illustrate the pressures everyone faces at times of high pressure. By providing a three step process for success, highlighting personal anecdotes, and engaging the audience in visualization, our audience was able to walk away truly inspired. Dr. Karen’s speech was applicable to both personal and business situations and provides immediate opportunity to improve performance. Some of our regular attendees mentioned she was the best speaker we have ever had!”
Leigh Anne Cooke, Event Coordinator, Women of Influence Inc.
“Dr. Karen MacNeill was a keynote speaker for us at our Business Execution Summit in March of 2019. Her session was engaging, relevant and from the heart. She is obviously passionate and very knowledgeable on her topic, and the feedback we collected from attendees was top rate. Thank you Dr. Karen for your contribution to BEx19!”
Andrea Kenna, Practice Director, Results
“The performance coaching experience with Dr. Karen was one of a kind and very different from previous coaching experiences I have had throughout my career. I really appreciated her insights on psychology and the tailored program that was very specific to my individual needs. Her coaching and support really helped me enhance both my mental fitness and bolster resiliency. It was an enlightening coaching journey!”
Senior Leader, Enbridge Inc.
“Karen was an ultimate pleasure to work with. She is quick in analysis and brilliant in execution. Her sheer wisdom and expertise increased the value of our event and helped to educate and inspire our attendees. I would definitely work with Karen again!”
Kenisha Williams, Event Strategist, Spark Event Collective
“Dr. Karen was the most important addition to my personal “team” in my career. Karen helped me navigate from having performance anxiety and self-doubt, to becoming the most resilient, adaptable athlete that I could be. Through mental health challenges, Dr. Karen helped guide and facilitate my mental training to become one of the best in the world, and to being an integral piece to our teams performances, and an Olympic Champion. But the most important role she played was helping me understand and become more aware of my challenges with mental health, and how I can continue to lead a happy, joyful life off the field.”
Olympic and Professional Athlete, Gold and Bronze Olympic Medalist

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